> Would these leggings make someone look fat?

Would these leggings make someone look fat?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
http://www.moddeals.com/p/pretty-in-print-leggings-gray these are really cute, but I don't want to buy them if they'll make me look even chunkier on the bottom than I already am these are really cute, but I don't want to buy them if they'll make me look even chunkier on the bottom than I already am

NO !!!!!!!!!!!.......FAT MAKES U LOOK FAT .....PERIOD....LMFAO....when I was in mens retail I would get asked if pleats made him look fat ...and im like sir no its your fat that makes u look fat....DUHH..............LOLOLOLOLOL

The leggins actually show you as you really are.. There is nothing bad in having "bottom". :-)

I think printed leggings always give the illusion of being a little curvier, especially with light colors like white or so. But I say, if you like the leggings you should wear them regardless, perhaps with a flowy top especially if it makes you feel more confident in them.

I think they're adorable! Just wear a baggier shirt likethe other person said

I think they are cute. I do not think they would make someone look fat. Wear a baggy top with them and make sure the leggings fit (not too tight or too baggy).