> Which girl is prettiest?

Which girl is prettiest?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
I'm doing sort of an experiment on which style is more aesthetically pleasing to different people Me: http://weonlycameforthefood.tumblr.com/image/84675310296 friend: http://penguinbreast.tumblr.com/image/88024855892 other friend: https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t1.0-9/1003800_495910610498995_346980246_n.jpgI'm doing sort of an experiment on which style is more aesthetically pleasing to different people Me: friend: other friend:

Its between the first and second. It would be better if they were all close up.

For style, friend two. Appearances are a different story.

I like the style of the second one. But the first one looks more natural.

you ;)

none of the above. friend #1 is probably the least fake.