> What should you expect when your a model?

What should you expect when your a model?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Why do models travel so often? How much do they make?

I was a male underwear model in Europe. Expect irregular hours, long periods of tedious boredom followed by frantic activity. Stretches of days with no photo shoots and then having to decide between 3 because they all called at once. I had to get used to people (usually women assistants) handling my body to adjust 'things' to make the product look good. Photographers and producers each have their own ideas as to what they want and expect. Expect groupies and (in my case) girls who want a piece of you (literally).

You should have the perfect have the perfect body and legs and u gotta look pretty. they travel so often because its their career and For other kinds of modeling, the average rates are different: Promotional (trade shows, etc.) - $300/day Runway - $200/1.5 hours hope it helps... :)

Thank you!