> My feet are too big I cant find shoes I need custom made shoes Cheap!! but I dont know where custom shoe makers are! I l

My feet are too big I cant find shoes I need custom made shoes Cheap!! but I dont know where custom shoe makers are! I l

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
I am a size 13 in womens! I need shoes!

I buy my shoes at Shoebuy.com. I wear a size 11 wide. They have lots of styles and offer free shipping and free returns so you don't have anything to lose. They also offer lots of coupons every month. I've been buying shoes from ShoeBuy.com for about 8 years and have never been disappointed.

DSW has all sizes and widths

Maybe check here: Even though these arn't custom made if you check the size options for the keds there's size 13 :)

Go to a good Sporting Goods store and buy a pair of canoes.

I have really wide feet and have this issue but you just ask like jcp or macys and they can order you custom shoes

Try etsy or globe shoes.