> How much weight do you need to lose to drop 3 dress sizes?

How much weight do you need to lose to drop 3 dress sizes?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Actually, that's going to depend on the designer of the clothes you're talking about. A good rule of thumb, though, is that you will drop one size every 12 to 15 pounds. Now, some designers have much smaller gaps between their sizes, and a loss of 6 or 8 pounds would put you in a new size. Here's another caveat: Are you planning to do any exercising and strength training? Muscle is denser than fat, so a pound of muscle takes up a lot less space than a pound of fat. As you exercise and strength train, you lose fat but your body tones your muscles and even builds new muscle. So you could do strength training, lose as little as 10 pounds, but lose enough inches that you're as much as 3 sizes smaller. Toning your muscles is just as important as losing fat when it comes to losing dress sizes..***:D

Have you tried out Dr.Ozs Garcinia Cambogia? Try at this site : . This will for sure work for yourself!

Between 10 and 15 kg, I suppose :)

Typically about it takes about 10 pounds to lose an inch, and one inch for each dress size, so about 30 pounds. But it also depends on your height and where you carry your weight, and how much muscle/ fat is lost that weight. It could probably be anywhere between 10-30 pounds.

One dress size is about 5 kilos. Lose around 15 kilos for 3 sizes.