> Do you tuck in polo shirts into khaki pants at work?

Do you tuck in polo shirts into khaki pants at work?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
yes you should-looks more professional

If the job requires it, yes.

If the job requires it, yes. If not, no. I just don't like the way it feels when shirts are tucked in. I realize it is more professional looking to have it tucked in, which is why I am more than willing to comply, but if it's like, casual Friday or something and you don't HAVE to, then no, I'm not gonna do it

It depends on you job.

My father sells insurance so that is what he does but they even do that at mcdonalds so.. I'd say yes because it's more classy

It depends on you job. They may require it. If not, its up to you to decide. People say it looks more professional, but I don't think it really matters. -TennesseePretty

At my workplace, and at my level, yes... Outside of my workplace.... no.