> Can I wear this dress to a family dinner?

Can I wear this dress to a family dinner?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
We are having a huge family gathering soon. And i bought a dress. Do you guys think its appropiate? http://www.styligion.com/de/women/clothing/kleider/mademoiselle-schwarzes-minikleid.html Thank you xxxx We are having a huge family gathering soon. And i bought a dress. Do you guys think its appropiate? Thank you xxxx

Do you have the type of family that prefers the girls NOT show their asses to everyone in view? If so go for it otherwise the thing is to short for even clubbing without leggings or tights or something underneath. Pretty though.

Dress? From the length of the sleeves it looks as if the dress is as long as where your finger tips come on your upper thigh. If your family has no problem with this length or you have no problem with how they feel about the length then it would be appropriate. It is a very beautiful pattern that excellently emphasis the look of a thin waist.

If you wear it, sit up straight without crossing your legs, and keep your knees together. Someone with a camera might be nearby waiting for embarrassing poses.

Do you have the type of family that prefers the girls NOT show their asses to everyone in view?

Thats nice if you are comfortable wearing it then do it!!

It's pretty and everything, but it's way too short to be a proper dress. Leggings or shorts would be appropriate.

wow! love the dress <3

Honestly it's a very pretty dress but alittle short if you're going to wear it I would suggest black or dark tights or leggings:)

Its pretty :)


i like it and i think you can :)