> Anyone else hate thigh gaps?

Anyone else hate thigh gaps?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
On a lot of social media people are saying how they want thigh gaps, but I know a few people who have this and I honestly find it absolutly unnattractive. It makes leg look like twigs.

Ah, thigh gaps. I'm not going to completely trash talk them, because my best friend has one. The only time I have a problem with them is when girls try and starve themselves for them. If you are naturally just really petite and you have a thigh gap, then fine. Nothing wrong. But, in the long run a thigh gap doesn't get you a job, or an education. So it shouldn't be a huge deal.

Thigh gaps have been said that only skinny women have. Its really more of a tumblr, popular thing. most people don't have it. And its okay if they don't. Marilyn Monroe didn't have one.

I don't care either way. I bet I'll get downvoted because the general consensus here is "ew disgusting" but oh well, you asked.

Makes women look like chickens. Some people like it.

Get over it,tbh. Seems more like jealousy. I haven't heard about thigh gaps since 2009.