> Should I be worried about this nest and what is in it?

Should I be worried about this nest and what is in it?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
It looks like an old Black and Yellow Mud Dauber (Sceliphron caementarium) nest. The large holes indicate the eggs laid have hatched new Mud Daubers, but other insects are known to use the vacated nests for their own homes so be careful when scraping off the old nest.


Ewwwww. Id put on a full suit where nothing can get to you. Rubber gloves. A rubble sack or something simular. Knock that thing down & bag it as fast as you can. Tie a tight knot in the bag & dispose appropriatly. Help will most likely be needed. Good luck. Hopefully your not squeamish. :-)

This nest suddenly popped up (though it could have been there for awhile since its usually out of site behind a door). I'm wondering whats in it, can I take care of it myself or if I should just call someone before it gets any bigger.