> Moving House But Not Taking Anything?

Moving House But Not Taking Anything?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Soap and washing powder. Shaving kit. Toothbrush and toothpaste. Food and drink.

clothes obviously. Personal items such as toiletries, any special items because of allergies, etc.

Basically, you can expect to be living in a hotel type place. Except you provide the towels and soap.

That's about it, I think. Just the basics since the place is kinda furnished already.

I am in the process of moving house to shared accommodation where the ad says 'the only thing we don't supply is bedding'. This means they supply pots pans bed tv wardrobes...EVERYTHING you could ever need. I have had really bad experiences living where I live now so want to move out ASAP with only the things I want to take with me. What are the absolute necessities I should take with me? The things that I don't take with me will be left to my landlord, who is an arsehole really.

I will obviously take my clothes, my own tv, electronics, DVDs and my bike. Other than that, I can't think of anything that I NEED TO take with me.

Can anybody suggest things I NEED TO take with me.
