> Mold growing in my room please help?

Mold growing in my room please help?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Hmm... Clean it up and find out what causes it. Do you have a bathroom inside your bedroom?

The link shows you how to clean up the mold in a safe way. If you see that there is a lot of mold or new growth you need to hire a professional to come and remove that portion of the drywall and make repairs to whatever plumbing is probably causing the mold.


if the mold is only on the headboard, move the mattress to another room and sleep there

mold only grows with moisture

clean it up

I just moved in to a new home and I brought my bed from storage a week ago. I've been traveling a lot due to work. I realize there was mold growing on the head of my bed, the color is black (not slimy) and just dots of it every where with some green. it started to grow from the bottom wall and up, it's a green and white on the walls and fuzzy. my new house is completely empty with nothing else in it besides this bed, i don't have any where else to sleep as it is 2:00 AM here. I put garbage bags over the wall where the mold was and tapped it all around. If i sleep in this bed tonight, will I be okay? I'm throwing the bed out tomorrow and I'm just really worried. I called my mother, she started panicking and said I will die. I now feel like I'm getting chest pains because I'm worrying to much. I know nothing about mold, never had it in my home before... please someone give me some advice on what to do. Thank you all who ever answers in advance.