> Is it good to paint wood furniture?

Is it good to paint wood furniture?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Paint wood furniture is really good to breathe new life into an old piece of furniture. For tips, you can visit some professional sites for more information.


Go to your local paint store or a place like Lowes, Home Depot. They will tell you how to do it properly. sand, prime and then paint. It's not very hard just follow the instructions they give you and get the paint they say to use .

I've had better luck with keeping wood furniture original than I have painted. Setting a pretty tray or large bowl on them made a big difference..so, try shooting for something large you can use too..is my advice.

When I painted my wooden furniture I used spray paint and spray primer. Also the spray paint I used also had a primer in it. My wood has never looked better!!

Unless the furniture is very valuable or antique you certainly can paint it. But you want it to look good, really good. Sand lightly so the paint will adhere well. Take out the drawers and remove all hardware. Use a light coat of paint and if necessary add a second coat. If the knobs are wood paint them separately. If the knobs are metal you can leave them as they are, paint them white or paint them another color. A can of spray paint is good for metal knobs. Again, coat them lightly and be sure they completely dry. You can change the look of your room with a little pain and some care. Good luck.

Yes but you need to take better care of it before and after painting it.

i have a light brown wooden dresser that I suddenly have gotten an idea to paint it to create a more modern/French look to my bedroom. I want to paint it white but im not sure that if I paint the furniture if it will be good for the wood or if it might not come out as good as I thought. im dying to make it white though. Any advice?