> I feel absolutely bad about killing anything, even bugs... am I weird?

I feel absolutely bad about killing anything, even bugs... am I weird?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
It depends.

Spiders don't do any damage to the house, and they eat the flies.You should probably move those outside to so they can help.

Ants (especially carpenter ants) and termites, obviously, need to be killed. You're wierd if you don't want to squish them when you know they are destroying your house from the inside out.

Flies, I don't know how you trap a fly with out killing it (or trap it at all), but congratulations on that.

No You're not weird. Instead you're a pure hearted person. Just be like this always. !! Even don't let other people kill any living being !!

If it's weird to kill because you are emotionally aroused you're like most people. You won't kill for lack of a motive. Not weird.

The insects that live on your body, too small to see, die every time you bathe. There is a limit to what you can do to protect other species. You do have some duty to stop the ones that can harm you, like mosquitos and flies. Washing your dishes kills millions of living things.

Not weird at all, Many people have respect for life, even if it is an insignificant bug.

I never intentionally kill bugs and spiders, I study them, but some pest bugs like flies or mosquitoes I will feed to my spiders.

-No. I don't like killing Things- Either. So You're at LEAST as Human- as the Best of Us. :)


Nah. I think for just a moment you realize that that creature has a right to life just as you do. I mean "What if we had an evil giant with big feet that just stepped on us.?" We did not do anything wrong. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That is all. Same deal for the insects or mice. If you got termites...termites infect houses that are already rotting away as rotting wood gives off CO2 and the insects are attracted to CO2 and they can see it...and smell it(something we cannot do) Woodpeckers can hear termites in the wood, ergo the beak is used as a drill to get to the termite. Wood is already rotten. That is why you see woodpeckers on old dead trees as they are rotting and full of bugs(or food)

Spiders catch so many bugs, that without them you would have nothing but flies around your head and in your food and on your butt as you wipe...you get the picture? A lot of them.

Besides everytime I kill a spider, shortly thereafter, it rains. So I don't unless it is the poisonous black widow. I got a few in the garage I will terminate someday. Hopefully I cannot find them...they will move out when they find out there is no food flying around in there.

O.k. wait a minute.............your wife actually married a guy whose afraid of household pest. Bees, I understand but, ants, cockroaches, spiders and flies you just got to WHACK them.

Many people have the live and let live attitude. I do what you do, "escort" it outside is always my first preference if that option is available. If not I am careful to extinguish it completely, not wound or maim it.

I can't bring myself to kill insects, and I feel like a little ***** when my wife wants me to kill a spider or fly in the house and I just trap it and take it outside. Don't get me wrong, if I get stung or annoyed I kill them but I can't do it for no reason.