> How to regrow 'Apple Blossom' Amaryllis?

How to regrow 'Apple Blossom' Amaryllis?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Tricia Beaver, Amaryllis are not evergreen bulbs i.e. they flower (usually flowers appear slightly earlier than leaves), produce leaves, grow and multiply, then leaves die down in late fall, early winter. They flower again in spring/ summer of the next year and continue the cycle, with more and bigger bulbs and better flower displays each year. I have a specimen of Amaryllis that I had for years. couple years back I repotted it in a big pot and it rewarded me with more and longer display of blooms. In my area here (early fall), they are in the leaf/ growth stage now; soon they will naturally turn yellow at the end of the fall and lie dormant in winter, ready for next season.

Some years, if the bulb doesn't have enough room to grow in a pot or doesn't receive enough nutrients, it will produce only leaves to stock up energy for blooming the year after.

I'm not sure what area/ climate you live in, but I think 1) that your bulb is just naturally preparing to enter winter dormancy, or 2) if your area is in spring, it may be producing just leaves this year :( coz flowers usually appear before leaves. But if you are patient, fertilize it when in leaf/ growing, next year it may have more/ bigger blooms.

hope this helps a bit

I was given an Amaryllis as a gift a year ago. It grew from the bulb pretty fast and looked really good. Then the tips started to yellow and all but one wilted away.

I just moved it to a bigger pot, it has a big root system but only one long leaf (not sure thats what its called but anyway). Is there a way for me to get it to grow more leaves? It looks half dead with just one.