> How long till i can go back to my bedroom after i sprayed it with bug spray?

How long till i can go back to my bedroom after i sprayed it with bug spray?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
If it was regular household spray there is no problem,smell won't hurt you and it will fade in time

Sooooooooooooo last night (at around this time) i saw hundreds of tiny spiders in my bedroom around the sides. My mum sprayed all of the sides and corners and all of the spiders with bug spray. And then we vaccumed the room so nothings on the floor. It stunk soo bad, so i slept in a different room. It sorta still smells now. it smells better then yesterday (definately) but still smells like bug spray. Later, at around 1am i saw a huge spider which im guessing is the mum, and killed it. Literally it was huge, and it had some babies with it.

So my two questions:

1. is it okay to sleep in my room tonight? since it sorta smells like the spray?

2. do you think the mum laid more eggs around the house o.O
