> Help - Wall Paint Came Off Like Paper?

Help - Wall Paint Came Off Like Paper?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I would get a scraper and scrape all of the loose paint peelings off. Then I would buy a small quantity of wallboard joint compound, and spread a thin smooth coat over the affected area with a wallboard taping/mudding blade, let dry and then sand with medium to fine sandpaper, then repaint with the same color. If you do it right, you will never know there was a problem there in the first place.

The cable guy accidentally peeled the paint off the wall while putting our cable wire in place. (Please see attached image)

Can you please advise how can we fix it without re-doing the entire wall?

I hope it wont cost us too much :(

Appreciate your help!

Thank you!!

Peter - Philippines