> Can scented candles make your house smell good permanently?

Can scented candles make your house smell good permanently?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Can scented candles make your house smell good permanently?

The only thing permanent is the smells. They change from one smell to another rather quickly. All the cooking, seasoning, candles, air wicks, room deodorizers, us, pets, etc,

The way to make your house smell good is to keep it clean and open windows. Candles, air fresheners and incense sticks only mask bad smells and don't last.

The scent doesn't last long, no matter what scent it is. Some seem to linger longer than others. The longest lasting odor I can think of is one you wouldn't want in your house, the dreaded skunk! It lasts for days when there is a roadkill, sometimes weeks, but it does fade away!

So you know how everyone's home has a "scent" that people notice when they come in for the first time? I was hoping I could make mine smell like these candles I bought. If I burn them often enough will my houses "smell" be more like these candles? Or will they just smell nice while lit and disappear when I blow them out?