> Brown looking bug?

Brown looking bug?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Click bugs jump and also make a clicking noise.


Clicking on roach on the left and going down the page will show different kinds of roaches.

Check out Google image search for roach to see the pictures match your bug. If you have one bug you most likely have tons of them. The bug could also be a Stink bug so check for those while you're at it.... Dupont makes a good bug killer so check amazon for it. (It's called Dupont Advion cockroach Gel Bait and sell for $17.28 for a box of 4 tubes) You put it down where they can hide, they eat, they die.....

I just saw a bug on my bed!!! HELP. it's bigger than a cigarette bug. At first glance, it's like a lady bug but a bit wider and brown in color with no spots. Looks like a roach but I'm not sure. and the bug jumps. HELP :-((((((((